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Marie Douglas joins Nicco Global

Oct 30, 2020

1 min read




We are super excited to announce Marie Douglas as our board member.

We are super excited to announce Marie Douglas as our board member. Marie is a former Vice President of Global Ecosystem Sales at IBM. She is an entrepreneurial savant who leads with exceptional commercial ecosystem experience and has demonstrated distinct results in sales, business development, strategy formulations and revenue outcomes while also exerting uncanny expertise in guiding countless startups to success.

Hear from Marie:

"I have always been a huge fan of startups and always loved working and speaking with founders, particularly because I was fortunate to work for a few many years ago. When Richelle Nicols and I initially met, I wanted to know more because her vision of building an ecosystem for both the vendor and the consumer was definitely disruptive and I liked that. With Nicco Global, as an example, the ecosystem can remain alive and well within a sports industry. Teams, players, stadiums all have the attention of consumers and can broaden their impact on their brand both physically and digitally."

Oct 30, 2020

1 min read



